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Maximise cleaning efficiency with targeted hygiene
05 November 2021
Rachel Stephenson, trade marketing manager at GOJO Industries-Europe discusses the importance of targeted hygiene.
AS COOL weather settles in and everyone spends more time indoors, winter coughs and colds flourish. Respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses (such as cold and flu viruses, or norovirus) spread easily indoors and settle onto surfaces where they can live for hours and infect others.
Keeping all surfaces clean can be a never-ending battle at this time of year, but the good news is that a targeted approach can be just as effective in breaking the chain of infection.
What is targeted hygiene?
Targeted hygiene is an evidence-based approach used to prevent the transmission of pathogens (commonly known as germs) by targeting only surfaces that are considered high-risk for pathogen transmission. These include frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, handles and taps, and the cleaning utensils used on these surfaces.
This approach also discourages the indiscriminate use of broad-spectrum disinfectants for lower-risk surfaces, which have been linked with growing antimicrobial resistance
What are frequently touched surfaces, and how often should they be treated?
The focus of targeted hygiene is on the surfaces that serve as the critical control points in the transmission of pathogens. High-traffic areas in shared spaces will need frequent disinfecting.
Examples of surfaces with the highest risk of transmitting pathogens include: doorknobs, railings, countertops, taps, kettles, fridge handles and electronic touch screens.
Keep cleaning tools fresh
Cleaning cloths, towels, sponges, gloves, or other cleaning tools can cause cross-contamination of surfaces, when you transport germs from one area to another. Use fresh wipes or cloths for every surface.
How are contaminated surfaces and hands linked?
When you touch surfaces, you leave some of the germs on your hands behind, and then when the next person touches that surface, they can pick them up. Those germs can then be introduced into your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Pairing good surface hygiene with good hand hygiene can help reduce the amount of illness-causing germs on surfaces you touch and your hands.
More than ever before, formulation matters when selecting surface hygiene products to prevent the spread of infection. For more detailed information, please call +44 (0)1908 588444, email or visit
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