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How safe is your sanitiser?

27 April 2021

When hand sanitiser demand outpaced supply, many turned to alternative solutions they might not have considered before. But, as Rachel Stephenson, trade marketing manager at GOJO Industries-Europe explains, some practices born out of necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic could be causing more harm than good.

SHORTAGES IN key components forced many consumers to begin refilling their small bottles of hand sanitiser from larger non-dispensed containers. This trend has continued, with a rise in use of open, bulk style dispensers, as well as refilling dispenser cartridges.  However, what may seem like a harmless way to save a few pennies, could end up increasing costs in more ways than one.

Public health risk
Topping off hand sanitiser can cause inadvertent contamination according to the CDC. Combining formulas with different ingredients in unknown measures can cause adverse skin reactions, and the mix could result in the active ingredient(s) becoming less effective. The unsealed nature of these containers also means that users run the risk that alcohol may evaporate, reducing the effectiveness of the formula.

Identity crisis: a liability issue
Hand sanitisers are subject to strict labelling laws on their original packaging, and the contents must match the packaging to remain compliant. Topping off sanitisers (even with products from the same manufacturer) breaks this chain of information and causes traceability and compliance issues. End users cannot check the ingredients where allergies and skin sensitivities may be a problem. Facilities will also struggle to monitor expiration dates and lot numbers in case of recalls or incidents.

Effect on public compliance
Refilling sanitisers also has an unforeseen impact on product usage. Mixing products can result in a mixture that is sticky, runny, smelly or otherwise unpleasant to use. This can not only put consumers off using the dispenser which gave them such a bad experience, but in fact put them off using all public dispensers. This gravely impacts the collective effort to increase hand hygiene standards across the public domain.

An easy way to get back on track
The PURELL brand has always been committed to public safety, developing solutions rooted in science that are proven in the most critical moments. Thanks to carefully selected ingredients and sanitary sealed refills, you can feel confident you are offering hand sanitiser that is effective and uncontaminated.

With a wide range of PURELL dispensing systems available now and a steady, robust supply of PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitiser refills, it’s easy to make a safe and effective choice.

For more information on sanitising best practices, call +44 (0)1908 588444, email infouk@gojo.com or visit www.gojo.com