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Hand disinfection where you need it, when you need it

09 January 2015

Reducing illness, increasing productivity and profitability: Instant hand disinfection for Building Care Teams from Diversey Care

Protecting against infections has never been more important. Common illnesses such as Influenza and Norovirus often peak during winter, while many other pathogens remain a threat all year round.

Left unchecked they can spread by personal contact or touching contaminated surfaces. Hand hygiene should always be the priority to protect your employees against illnesses. Healthy and happy employees are more productive and will help you deliver a high quality service continuously to your customers. Employee illness can cost your business significantly.

Hands must be cleaned frequently to reduce the risk of spreading infections – when moving from job to job, area to area, person to person. Ultimately, outbreaks are more difficult to control and costly to business: prevention is better than cure. Having a hand disinfection solution exactly where you need it when you need it is key to maintaining a healthy work environment.

Diversey Care makes hand hygiene more accessible by offering Soft Care Med pocket-sized bottles that users can carry everywhere. These convenient bottles can be worn on the belt for use anytime, anywhere.

Soft Care Med is a skin-friendly, alcohol-based hand rub formulated for frequent use in demanding applications. It provides excellent protection against Norovirus, Influenza A (H1N1), rotavirus, hepatitis B, HIV, MRSA and other common infections.