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Theme park implements software

25 June 2019

​Yet another theme park has caught on to the huge benefits of Tork EasyCube data-driven cleaning as the summer season gets under way.

Managers of Kentucky Kingdom and Hurricane Bay in Louisville, Kentucky, are now “big fans” of the software which is helping them to make better-informed decisions on cleaning.

The 63-acre park has more than 70 amusement rides and caters for 9,000-plus visitors a day during the peak summer months.

“The system has aided our entire stocking and maintenance process,” says senior manager guest relations Jessi O’Daniel. “It guides our staff workflow because it’s based on which areas and what supplies are actually being used. And thanks to park management gaining access to all daily actions from the online data, we now have visibility into staff accomplishments.”

These insights are enabling the team to plan more effectively and make better-informed decisions.

Tork EasyCube provides real-time information on cleaning needs via a system of connected devices. Supervisors and cleaners receive a snapshot of the current situation on their tablet, smartphone or other web-enabled device. 

Tork EasyCube is providing major cleaning efficiency benefits in airports, shopping centres and leisure complexes around the world. And the system is particularly popular in theme parks where remote washroom monitoring is a huge asset, since cleaning staff would otherwise need to walk long distances between washroom facilities to check on cleaning needs.

A series of videos highlighting the features and benefits of the system and how it works are now available online here: www.tork.co.uk/easycube