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Softened water tough on germs

07 March 2013

Intelligent Taps for hand washing are the latest addition to the ROX range.Water flow is accurately timed and the water is illuminated.When the tap sensor is triggered by hands being placed underneath, it will immediately dispense a 15 second stream of alkaline (cleaning) water - illuminated by a blue light.This is followed by a 15 second stream of acidic (sanitising) water - illuminated by a red light.

Intelligent Taps for hand washing are the latest addition to the ROX range.Water flow is accurately timed and the water is illuminated.When the tap sensor is triggered by hands being placed underneath, it will immediately dispense a 15 second stream of alkaline (cleaning) water - illuminated by a blue light.This is followed by a 15 second stream of acidic (sanitising) water - illuminated by a red light.

ROX transforms ordinary, softened, tap water into alkaline water (for cleaning) and acidic water (for sanitising).

The water is completely safe - even if ingested - and claims to be more potent than most chemical based cleaners and sanitisers. It is also cost effective and 100% environmentally friendly.

EO Water markets the Hoshizaki ROX water electrolyser in the UK, and will be at Hotelympia on stand N1670.

To demonstrate ROX, representatives of Trafalgar Scientific will be measuring the bacterial counts of participants' hands using a bioluminescence meter, before and after cleaning them with ROX and also comparing the counts against other commonly used cleaning and sanitising agents.