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If it's green it doesn't clean. Think again

24 April 2017

It’s often believed in the facilities management industry that if a cleaner is ‘green’, it doesn’t clean. The products are perceived to be too expensive and offer little return, and with many low-cost chemical alternatives, contractors in the industry are yet to be swayed to biological cleaners.

But, with new biological cleaning advancements products entering the market in 2017, it’s time to debunk some of the myths that surround them, explains Genesis Biosciences.

Myth #1 – Biological cleaners aren’t effective at removing heavy soiling

It’s often perceived that biological cleaners fail to effectively remove heavy soiling on hard surfaces, but true biological cleaners are incredibly effective at not just removing soiling, but preventing it from reappearing. ‘True biological cleaners’ are cleaners that contain beneficial bacteria in the cleaning formula. 

A lot of products labelled as ‘biological’ only contain enzymes and these products don’t offer the same targeted long-term advantages as products containing beneficial bacteria, which is where some of the misconceptions about the effectiveness of biological cleaners come from.

Biological cleaners contain beneficial bacteria that use energy created through the breakdown of organic soiling to continue replicating in the area of application. The bacteria form a resilient biofilm on the surface being cleaned, offering long-term protection as the bacteria constantly produce the specific enzymes required to quickly degrade dirt as it appears.

Myth #2 – Biological cleaners are too expensive

It’s true that biological cleaners tend to be more expensive on a per litre basis partly due to higher raw material costs and partly because the producers are often smaller companies that do not enjoy the same economies of scale as the mainstream producers.

However, when looking at the complete picture, biological cleaners can provide a greater return on investment than traditional chemical cleaners because they reduce labour costs and protect assets and infrastructure in the long-term.

The beneficial bacteria in biological cleaners continue to breakdown soiling on the surface area, after being applied. This means cleaners need to less frequently apply the product, while surfaces remain cleaner and polished for longer.

Using biological cleaners also means no harsh chemical residues are left behind and abrasive cleaning approaches are not needed. This helps in the medium and long term to preserve asset value and reduce the impact of damage to hard surfaces and fixtures.

Myth #3 – Biological cleaners aren’t backed by rigorous scientific research

A common misconception contractors have of biological cleaners is that they are a ‘green’ or ‘eco-friendly’ marketing fad, not backed by in-depth scientific research, unlike their well-established chemical alternatives.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. At Genesis, we have invested over £2.5m into our research and development process and thousands of man hours have gone into product testing. Through all of this testing, we can categorically show contractors in-depth reports and research to prove our products achieve the cleaning results we claim they offer.