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Odour control inside and out

22 July 2016

With weekly local authority bin collections being deferred by alternating with recycling collection, many business premises are faced with stepping up odour control both inside and out.

British cleaning chemical manufacturer Greyland has a range of products to tackle the problem.

Odour Neutraliser is more than a mask for bad smells – it proves fatal to most common forms of odour-causing bacteria. It can be used anywhere without fear of damage to surfaces, including polished furniture, glass and chrome, and soft materials.

It is suitable for refuse storage areas, hotel guest rooms, nursing homes and any area where offensive odours are prevalent.

Cranberry and Cotton Fresh Air Fresheners are growing in popularity over other scented products and are highly evocative of fresh days spent outdoors, either on sunny heathlands or in the garden with freshly laundered sheets billowing in the breeze.

In non-aerosol 750ml trigger sprays, Greyland’s Air Fresheners and Odour Neutraliser are ozone-friendly and contain no CFC’s.

For seriously industrial level odours, Cherry Deodorising Fluid is specific for use in and around rubbish bins, waste tips, chutes and even sewage farms. In bulk 5L containers, Cherry Deodorising Fluid is diluted 40 to 1.