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Innovation initiative finalist

12 December 2014

HSG has been selected to take part in the RBS Innovation Gateway after 26 finalists pitched their green inventions to a panel of judges, in a bid to test their new products in selected RBS buildings and branches in the UK.

The RBS Innovation Gateway, which was launched in March 2014, has three aims: to help RBS to save more energy, water and waste; support innovation and to help SMEs accelerate their access to market. 

The project attracted more than 140 submissions in just 40 days, from new concepts through to market-ready products and services. The ideas came from innovators and small businesses (SMEs) from around the UK and the world. 

The innovation submitted by HSG is The Ureco Water Management System, designed to dramatically reduce water consumption, once it has been retro-fitted into gents urinals.

Mark Forester, UK business development manager at HSG, said: "It is difficult to put into words at the moment what this achievement means to us. To say we are ecstatic and extremely proud to have been selected is very much an understatement."

Announcing HSG as a successful innovator, Marcela Navarro from RBS, who is leading the Innovation Gateway initiative, said: "Everyone connected with the RBS Innovation Gateway has been incredibly impressed by the innovators’ creativity and dedication to resource efficiency. The quality and the range of ideas have been phenomenal and HSG UK stand out from a great group of brilliant innovators."