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Carbon footprint audit reveals low CO2 emissions

12 January 2023

CENTREGO, THE manufacturer of Toucan Eco cleaning and disinfection systems, has completed the first carbon footprint audit for its Toucan Eco Active Plus system.

The business, which manufactures Toucan Eco systems distributed in the UK by Robert Scott, commissioned international environmental consultancy Force Technology to complete an independent carbon footprint audit of its Toucan Active Plus system to evidence its environmental impact throughout its expected lifespan.

As businesses are increasingly required to audit and provide evidence of the ways in which they are reducing their environmental impact more closely, Centrego saw the opportunity to proactively provide customers with the necessary information to contribute to their own carbon footprint auditing, as well as make more informed decisions about the cleaning and disinfection products they use and their associated environmental impact. 

The Toucan Eco Active Plus system is designed to generate cleaning and disinfection solutions on-site using only water, salt and electrolysis. This removes the need for the majority of synthetic cleaning and disinfection chemicals, along with their plastic container and packaging waste. The carbon emissions footprint was calculated by analysing two areas of the system. The first was the amount of COemitted from the manufacturing of the systems; the second was the amount of COemitted from the production of one litre of activated, ready-to-use, solution.

The results of the independent audit indicate that the CO2 emissions to manufacture and install one Toucan Eco Active Plus system is 263 kg CO2 equivalent. The CO2 emissions to produce one litre of activated ready-to-use solution is 3.07 g CO2 equivalent.

To put this into context, running a laptop for an hour would produce the same COemissions as generating 8.8 litres of activated, ready-to-use, Toucan Eco solution, and boiling a kettle once would produce the same CO2 emissions as generating five litres of activated, ready-to-use, solution.

To view a summary of the carbon footprint audit visit www.toucaneco.co.uk