Protect staff from UV rays

06 July 2017

Safety expert Arco is urging UK businesses to do more to protect their employees against the dangers of the sun this summer, following a recent survey that suggested only 5% of workers receive UV protection from their employers.  

Following the survey, commissioned by Deb, Arco has launched its annual sun protection campaign to educate employers about the danger of UV rays and the steps they can take to protect outdoor workers, including providing appropriate sun cream. 

UV exposure is extremely dangerous to humans and is hard to detect as it isn’t related to temperature, cannot be seen or felt and can easily pass through the cloud; even on a cloudy day, workers still run the risk of damaging their skin. For this reason, it’s important that employers take responsibility when encouraging employees to use protection when the UV Index level, which is available online, reaches three or above. Additionally, UV is carcinogenic (cancerous) to humans, meaning those who work outdoors have a greater risk of developing skin cancer. 

Darren Williamson, product & procurement management at Arco, said: “Sun safety is an incredibly vital subject as it’s often an afterthought, or entirely forgotten. It’s imperative for employers to remember that UV protection isn’t just for sunny days, but instead when the UV Index is above level three. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the World, with six people dying each day in the UK as a result of it. We believe sun protection is one of the most important items of PPE, which is why we supply and promote Deb Stoko’s entire Sun Protect range.”

To find out the daily UV level visit or for more information about Arco’s Sun Protection campaign please visit