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Sustainable building care products

07 March 2013

The SmartDose from Diversey is available with a range of four TASKI building care concentrated products.

The SmartDose from Diversey is available with a range of four TASKI building care concentrated products.

The pack design has a dualsetting dispenser that doses into spray bottles, buckets, sinks or cleaning machines and ensures that 100% of the product is used.

Three EU Flower sustainabilitycertified products are available to cover main daily building care tasks. A fourth product is available for disinfecting floors and other surfaces. It is suitable for applications where space is limited, connection to a water supply is impractical or where portability is required. A 1.4l container can generate up to 700l of ready-to-use product.

The container and head mechanism is self-contained to create a closed system.This reduces the risk of leaks, prevents unauthorised refills and minimises users exposure to concentrated product.

The system requires no installation which avoids issues related to water regulations.

Users carry the container to the point of use and add the correct amount of product to buckets, spray bottles or other equipment.

All materials in the pack are said to be 100% recyclable.