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Reduction in chemicals at campus

07 March 2013

For the past five years, Strand has cleaned the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus at Hinxton Hall with the Jonmaster ultra microfibre system from Diversey.

For the past five years, Strand has cleaned the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus at Hinxton Hall with the Jonmaster ultra microfibre system from Diversey.

One of the main reasons for choosing Jonmaster was that the cloths and tools in this integrated system are said to clean all types of hard surfaces with water alone and removes dirt and 99.99% of bacteria.

Cloths and box lids are colour coded with industry standard red, green, blue and yellow for identification.

The Jonmaster floor pads clean different surfaces including vinyl, ceramic and porcelain tiles, and stone. Jonmaster is also used for hard surfaces such as desks and table tops in offices, laboratories and other rooms. It is used for the table tops in the restaurant as well as the serving cabinets and counters which incorporate glass and stainless steel components.

Cloths are laundered on site every day and each building has its own laundry which helps to prevent cross-contamination between laboratories.