17 October 2023
One of the many highlights at this year's Cleaning Excellence Conference is British Cleaning Council (BCC) chair Delia Cannings. Here, Delia discusses the work of the BCC and how we need to work together to ensure cleaning staff receive the respect they deserve.
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22 August 2023
We are undoubtedly part of one of the most diverse industries, our employees are from all walks of life, whether that be their socio-economic grouping, their religious beliefs, their gender identification, their cultural background or even their sexual orientation, but, asks Neil Spencer-Cook, are we doing enough in terms of inclusion?
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19 May 2023
As Neil Spencer-Cook observes, many people ask BICSc why we are ‘behind the times’ in terms of manual mopping.
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04 January 2023
The inaugural Cleaning Excellence Conference & Awards was attended by hundreds of delegates who praised the event as "a great event". Organised by Western Business Media, publisher of Cleaning Matters magazine, the success of the show means it has already established itself as a regular must-attend event in the cleaning sector calendar.
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28 June 2021
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to remember life before COVID struck. However as lockdown restrictions continue to relax and with a possible end in sight, Joanne Gilliard warns that life won’t just revert back to how it was pre-pandemic.
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22 January 2021
Following a year of unprecedented challenges Cleaning Matters magazine speaks to industry experts to examine the challenges of COVID-19 on the cleaning & hygiene sector - and what impact these will have throughout 2021.
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04 December 2020
John Shonfeld discusses the value of training and development in the cleaning industry and reveals the new Chartered Practitioner scheme that the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners plans to launch.
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17 November 2020
Jan-Hein Hemke highlights the importance of ongoing training to equip cleaning operatives with the skills and agility needed to deliver their role in this evolving pandemic.
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11 February 2020
The Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association (CHSA) is encouraging visitors to the Manchester Cleaning Show to specify its Accreditation Schemes in tenders for cleaning and hygiene products.
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19 August 2019
Investing in learning and development (L&D) can seem like an unnecessary expense in the hospitality industry, especially if money’s tight. However, if you find your cleaning and hygiene standards slipping, poor L&D procedures may be the culprit. Katie Martinelli offers some advice
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18 January 2019
ICE explains how its use of the latest technologies to train staff on cleaning equipment is bringing a host of benefits
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13 October 2017
Stephen Goodall, managing director of UhUb, argues that the cleaning sector is lagging behind when it comes to training and offers suggestions on how it can catch up
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07 November 2016
New developments in cleaning apprenticeships are on the horizon. Lorraine Larman from LCC Support Services explains more in the first of a series of updates for Cleaning Matters readers
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30 September 2016
Lynn Webster, managing director of Lynn Webster Consultants (LWC), explains why failing to implement or sustain a process for supporting and upskilling trainers of cleaning staff can undermine the effectiveness of the training model in the medium to long-term
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31 March 2016
Jane Leeming, director of learning and development at ISS UK, provides practical advice for contract cleaners and managers of in-house cleaning teams on how to implement a successful training programme
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29 October 2015
Peter Clay from TC Facilities Management discusses the company's recent investment in employee training and development and the rewards it expects to reap
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14 October 2015
Prochem provides advice on caring for floors and fabrics in healthcare environments
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25 November 2015
Roger Taylor, business development director at Time Systems (UK), explains why businesses should combine training and development with monitoring if they want to see big results
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02 October 2015
The companies that do well in the long term are those which recognise their staff are their prime asset, and identify and develop their talent and ability. Well trained staff are happier, more loyal, more motivated and provide a better service to customers so it’s a win-win situation for employer and employee. Jan-Hein Hemke, managing director of Facilicom, explains the importance of being a supportive and encouraging employer
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