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Free safety advice
01 December 2017
Health and safety company Arco is lobbying for a safer Britain by offering UK businesses free safety advice on how best to create a hazard control programme, which aims to protect workers from exposure to harmful substances.
Under both The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulation 2002 and the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulation 2002, employers have a legal obligation to ensure their workers are kept safe at all times whilst at work. This includes carrying out a sufficient risk assessment, minimising risk of injury to an employee and offering sufficient training, equipment and information to all those who come into contact with or work around dangerous substances or hazards such as poor noise and air quality.
As an advocate for worker wellbeing, Arco is dedicated to ensuring businesses understand their responsibilities and the steps that need to be taken to best eliminate risks. Arco suggests implementing these four methods: 1) Elimination (or substitution): remove the hazard or substitute hazardous materials or machines with less hazardous ones. 2) Engineering Controls: undertake modifications to plant in order to reduce the source of exposure. 3) Administrative Controls: alter the way the work is done. Change work practices such as standards and operating procedures. 4) Personal Protective Equipment: provide individuals who are exposed to the hazards with equipment which will limit exposure.
Nick Marshall, general manager at Arco, said: “The best way to reduce employee injuries is to instill a level of priority and responsibility from the top level. To ensure employers and industry bosses understand the best ways to protect staff from dangerous working environments, Arco has created a free Expert Guide offering UK businesses advice on best practice when it comes to hazard control.”
To download Arco’s free expert guide please visit:
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