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Skin care expert launches new website

14 December 2016

The skin care solutions expert Deb has launched a new website. It brings together all elements of the group’s fight against occupational skin disorders and the spread of infections – which is in line with its mission to ‘Make Hands Matter in the Workplace’.

At www.debgroup.com customers can find product details, share information, and learn about hand hygiene and skin care. Deb has also created a launch video to introduce the website and is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpTXywPo3no

“Occupational skin disorders and the spread of germs can affect both an organisation’s efficiency and the health and well-being of its staff,” Paul Jakeway, marketing director at Deb UK, said. “Our new website provides employers and employees with the information and resources they need to combat these threats.”

Based on years of experience and research, Deb has developed dedicated programmes for sectors including industrial, healthcare, hospitality and leisure, food and education. They consist of three elements: Essential Products, Vital Information, and Highest Standards of Behaviour. 

To find the right information on Deb’s website, users select the market sector that best fits their requirements. An easy-to-use product selector leads to pages that provide detailed information about Deb’s wide range of skin care products, including pre-work creams, cleansers, sanitisers, and restorative creams. Deb also provides employers and employees with training and supporting educational materials.