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Dry floors for daytime cleans

07 March 2013

The performance of the pick-up mechanism in scrubber driers is vital for keeping the floor clean and dry so that it can be walked on almost immediately, says Diversey.

The performance of the pick-up mechanism in scrubber driers is vital for keeping the floor clean and dry so that it can be walked on almost immediately, says Diversey.

This is especially true for retail and daytime cleaning or other applications where public access needs to be maintained. It is doubly important in retail because wet floors attract dirt brought inside on trolley wheels.

Larger TASKI by Diversey machines utilise a patented Wshaped squeegee that follows the floor profile and removes more than 99% of water, says the company - even in curves and on difficult floors such as tiles with deep grouts or surfaces that are uneven or structured. Special squeegee blades, with a simple fitting and removal mechanism, and a direct suction line allow pick-up of small debris without clogging. Ride-on machines utilising a three-wheel layout ensure the squeegee remains in contact with the floor at all times without adjustment.