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BCC supports the Great British Spring Clean

19 April 2022

ACROSS THE country, communities who care for their environment are gearing up for the Great British Spring Clean 2022, which will take place from March 25 to April 10.

The Keep Britain Tidy campaign – in its seventh year – is the UK’s largest mass-action environmental campaign, funded by organisations including Nestlé and KFC, and supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The charity aims to inspire residents to join forces – in partnership with schools, community organisations, businesses and the Government – and take part in the #BigBagChallenge to collect and dispose of litter from streets, parks and beaches.

Litter doesn’t only spoil the natural beauty of our environment, it also poses a threat to wildlife and, once in a marine environment – it is estimated that 80% of the rubbish in the oceans comes from the land – breaks down while never disappearing, meaning that our oceans are polluted by an ever-increasing amount of microplastics.

Keep Britain Tidy is asking people and organisations to pledge the number of bags they will pick on its website.

To make your own pledge visit keepbritaintidy.org