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Maintain hygiene – from the ground up

13 June 2019

Talks of hygiene in the workplace often focus on handwashing, workspace cleanliness, employee hygiene and general housekeeping. Identifying another key area could be as simple as looking down, says James Taylor, marketing director EMEIA – specialties at BerryGlobal.

Keeping your building clean and hygienic should be a priority, whether it is in a critical care environment, school or office building. This is because the health and wellbeing of everyone inside is critical to the success of each establishment. In addition, a cleaner, safer and healthier environment means a more productive workplace.

One critical component of workplace hygiene that is frequently overlooked is proper floor care. Constant foot traffic inevitably tracks in dust, dirt, and other allergens – dirty floors not only affect aesthetic appeal but, depending on what type of business you conduct, it may end up costing you money… or worse.

Dry mopping 

Dust is more than an innocuous substance; it is a breeding ground for bacterial growth and may even contain a variety of toxic chemicals such as phthalates, volatile organic compounds, flame retardants and heavy metals, making it dangerous to human health.

With 80% of all dirt in buildings being dust, reducing exposure to it is critical to stop harmful viruses and bacteria from spreading, ensure a safe and healthy work environment, and reduce health risks for everyone. 

Sweeping floors with a broom is not recommended because particles become airborne and can be transferred throughout the facility. Similarly, traditional wet mopping is not ideal as it provides moist warm temperatures bacteria needs to grow, while traditional cotton floor cloths and mops can contain contaminants – even after laundering or rinsing – spreading it onto the next surface and causing cross contamination.

There are, of course, electronic cleaning tools, but as it’s often not possible to use these in certain public areas, particularly during the day, it can be difficult to keep dust and dirt under control. 

The solution lies in dry mopping, which picks up and holds dust, dirt and hair and other debris without chemicals. Dry mopping boasts several benefits, including:

  • Reduced health risks: It can reduce allergens and bacteria build-up.
  • Enhanced cleaning power: It is ideal for hygiene critical areas where electronic machine cleaning is not possible.
  • Contributing to less water and chemical usage: There is no need for cleaning solutions or water. Even when combined with damp floor mopping (instead of wet floor mopping), it results in up to 80% less water being used and reduces chemical consumption.
  • Increased productivity: Cleaning effectiveness is enhanced while time spent on cleaning tasks is minimised.
  • Reduced cross contamination: As the products used are disposable, there is no risk of cross contamination.
  • Lower injury risk: It can also be used with adjustable handles and extensions, allowing for efficient cleaning in difficult to reach spaces and corners.
  • Versatility: Dry mopping is not only useful for cleaning floors, but can be used for all environmental surfaces to maintain and improve hygiene in the workplace. 

Find your perfect solution 

Not all cleaning solutions are created equal. The options you consider and ultimately choose should fit your industry challenges, work environment and the types of surface issues you face. 

That said, maintaining hygiene in the workplace doesn’t have to be overly complex, especially when it comes to floors. There are several tools available to help you plan and execute an effective cleaning plan that integrates with the needs of your facility or workplace.

Chicopee, the brand of professional cleaning materials, offers a range of cleaning solutions, including 3D structured Stretch ’n Dust Light floor mops, which are ideal for hygiene critical areas where electronic machine cleaning is not possible as it picks up and holds dust, dirt and hair in the wipe. When combined with the Chicopee Fluid Mopping System, it enables you to dry and damp mop using a single tool – combining dry and wet mopping will improve hygiene standards by ensuring dirt and bacteria are removed from the surface while reducing the risk of cross contamination.
