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Eight simple steps to grow your business in 2013

07 March 2013

ISSA's Keith Baker looks at how cleaning companies can stand out from the crowd in the year ahead

ISSA's Keith Baker looks at how cleaning companies can stand out from the crowd in the year ahead

It's a new year, and (as countless generations of 'resolution-makers' can attest to) there is no better time to set a goal and then make it happen. And why not make 2013 the year that you take your business to the next level? However, sometimes it can be hard to know where to begin - so here are a few useful tips that might help to get you started… First and foremost, you need to provide a great service. Although this is nothing new, it is as true in 2013 as it ever was. This is the best way to stand out from the crowd - it will cement strong relationships with old customers, and build a solid reputation that will attract new ones.

In order to provide this superior service, your cleaning business needs a motivated and well-managed team. Efficient management of workloads, well-trained staff, and the use of the best cleaning products on the market will ensure both longterm cost savings and that the job is done to a high standard. With this in mind, ISSA offers its members a wide range of useful training tools, including seminars, videos, articles and other resources from ISSA's extensive online bookstore. Such strategic investments are essential for a good reputation - the most important asset your business has.

Certifications are another good way of standing out, as they promote a level of trust to potential customers, assuring them that promises regarding the quality of your services, or the eco-friendliness of your products, aren't just made - they are kept. Of course, certifications must come from reputable sources. ISSA is here to offer support and advise you on appropriate third-parties to enlist for assessment.

Take action

But what differentiates a good service from a great one comes down to going the extra mile - offering the level of personal service that is proactive rather than reactive. Such measures might include getting to know your customer, and finding out what their particular problem areas are - no two jobs are the same, and you should aim to offer a more 'bespoke' service. Actively monitoring a Twitter or Facebook account for customer problems, rather than waiting for a customer to call in, is a useful, hands-on step for remaining in direct contact with the customer and ensuring that problems are dealt with speedily. The more customers feel they can turn to you for all their needs, the more indispensable you will become - particularly vital during these times of economic austerity.

Similarly, key trends should not be ignored. For example, to most of us in the cleaning industry, the focus on green cleaning is not breaking news. In droves, customers are looking for eco-friendly solutions in a bid to show their commitment to the environment. Therefore, offering an eco-friendly service is not just ethical; it also makes good business sense.

Getting to know you

Another important step is getting you and your business' name known and well-regarded in your market. As well as the mandatory budget set aside purely for vital marketing requirements, cleaning companies should make sure to take advantage of the large and friendly community of their peers. Here at ISSA we organise many regular events for our members with the aim of bringing people from the world of cleaning together to meet, network, share advice and tips, and discuss the latest issues. Ours is a dynamic and ever-changing industry - be sure to always be an active part of it.

It is an old maxim that by keeping your eye firmly on future, it can be easy to lose sight of the present. Be careful not to focus so much of your attention on winning new customers that you are tripped up by a 'little' thing, such as any changes to legislations or industry news that may affect your business. Make sure to keep knowledgeable and current, and keep your eye on the ball at all times with ISSA's regular newsletters, RSS feeds and relevant news updates.

Finally, be proud to belong to this great industry of ours. It should be a pleasure to be involved in an industry which is so important to the health, safety and well-being of our customers and society at large. Make sure that your employees are proud to work for you and that your customers are proud to buy from you and that your suppliers are proud to be associated with you. Look ahead to this new year in a positive fashion and look forward to success.