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ISSA & The BFG to begin joint initiatives

20 June 2014

ISSA and The Building Futures Group have entered into a co-operative agreement to promote the importance of the cleaning industry in the UK.

The two organisations recently signed a declaration of co-operation and intend to bring together industry leaders to discuss the increasing impact of the sustainability agenda.

"As the trade body for the UK cleaning industry and a member of the ISSA, we are very pleased to formalise our commitment to work with the ISSA, and in doing so enhance our service offering to our cleaning industry members," Sarah Bentley, CEO of The Building Futures Group, said.


"We have identified that greater scrutiny in the issue of sustainability and increased regulation is likely to have a major impact on the cleaning industry in the UK in the near future."

The two organisations will jointly host a round-table summit in autumn 2014, bringing together representatives of the UK cleaning industry to explore the impact of increasing environmental and sustainability scrutiny within the industry.

"We are pleased to be co-operating with The Building Futures Group," Keith Baker, director of EMEA services for ISSA, said. "The two organisations share the same vision and passion for developing skills of cleaning operatives. Better trained and motivated cleaning operatives ensure that building owners and occupiers will more readily appreciate the value of the cleaning service being provided. 

"We also are both committed to promoting the sustainable cleaning agenda and embrace a definition of sustainability that is based on whole life ethical assessment, cost in use viability, and legal compliance."