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BIFM relaunches as IWFM

29 November 2018

The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) has become the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM).

The institute was officially renamed on 12th November and is now working toward chartered body status. A new brand and a new website (https://www.iwfm.org.uk) were launched a week later.

Over the following weeks, the IWFM says that it will move across its key products and services to the IWFM brand.  

"We’ll take some time over this because we want to allow our partners and suppliers enough time to adjust, as well as ensure we spend money wisely; but during the transition period we’ll make sure we’re on hand to answer queries and help you find what you need," the institute said in a statement.  

Work has been going on behind the scenes to transition to IWFM since members voted for the name change at the AGM in July.

The IWFM added: "As well as developing new areas of interest and partnerships that will deliver improved member benefits and help the profession realise its value, we’re busy improving our systems and processes to help us to offer a more efficient service and a better experience to you as a customer."