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Disposable sanitary bin

08 August 2014

After extensive trials, Binny disposable sanitary bins from Roftek are now in use in offices, shops, schools and multiple NHS sites across the UK.

With Binny the majority of organisations do not need to use sanitary waste collection – companies and their cleaners can simply dispose of Binny and its sanitary contents into the black bag bin waste.

Binny founder and managing director Simon Rothwell said: "The Department of Health guidance states that upto 7kg of this type of waste can be placed into the general waste. The problem was that a simple way of dealing with sanitary waste was required to make disposal simple for cleaning staff and that’s where Binny comes in. The contents of our disposable sanitary bins are kept hidden and the whole box and contents are simply thrown away."

Mr Rothwell added: "Organisations are paying for every sanitary bin to be emptied when they use a third party, and many of the bins simply do not need emptying as they fill up at different rates. Some Binny customers have reduced their sanitary bin spend by over 60% and now find this whole area simpler to manage through their own cleaning staff.”

By negating the need for a sanitary bin collection, Binny sanitary bins also reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint as they eliminate the road miles that are required to service sanitary bins at an organisation.