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2Pure to showcase OdorBac Tec4

25 April 2022

HYGIENE INDUSTRY disruptor, 2Pure Products, is set to showcase its market-changing multi-purpose odour and cleaning product, OdorBac Tec4 at Interclean Amsterdam this May.

Located at Stand 12.300, 2Pure Products will be sharing the science behind its revolutionary OdorBac Tec4 product with visitors, as the company continues its expansion into additional European markets and seeks out new distribution partners. 

Developed from  15-years of intense lab and field based testing, OdorBac Tec4 is the safest yet most powerful all-in-one odour eliminator, and truly multi-purpose commercial cleaner, in the world. Due to its patented technology, the product is capable of replacing over 90% of customers’ existing cleaning products, reducing risk, training and cost while increasing efficiency, speed and results.

With unparalleled performance, delivered instantly, OdorBac Tec4 inhibits microbial growth and is effective against coronavirus. It can be used on any surface, including carpets, hard floors, washrooms, furniture, kitchens, spot stains, and drains, and is compatible with trigger sprays, mops, extraction and buffing machines to effortlessly complete the vast majority of cleaning tasks with just one product. 

2Pure’s products are all developed, manufactured and used with sustainability front of mind. From only using ingredients that are safe for people and the environment, to ensuring all bottles and containers are made from 100% recycled plastic, OdorBac Tec4 will revolutionise the way we clean and maintain our world safely and ecologically. 

James Law, Commercial Director at 2Pure Products, said: “After taking the UK by storm, we firmly believe that OdorBac Tec4 has the potential to transform the cleaning and hygiene industry in overseas markets too, delivering cost and efficiency savings in a way that is safe and kind to both people and the planet.  

“Having secured major customers in the UK, including Engie, Amey, ABM and Care UK, serving sites such as Heathrow Airport, Bentley and Bombardier, we are now embarking on our European expansion plans. We look forward to meeting the attendees at Interclean Amsterdam this spring and sharing our market-changing technology with them. We are particularly keen to meet with any overseas distributors that are keen to get involved in this game-changing product and enjoy the commercial advantages it brings.”

For more information visit http://2pureproducts.co.uk/