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Watch the whole panel debate on The Future of Washroom Hygiene

24 June 2019

Cleaning Matters’ recent round table discussion on washroom hygiene is now available to watch on demand.

Experts from the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) and Evans Vanodine explained how cleaning professionals and FMs can better manage the washrooms in their buildings by using the right product, in the right place with the right training. 

They also examined the latest innovations and what the future holds for washroom hygiene.

Toilets and washrooms account for up to 70 per cent of the cleaning spend in most buildings. Yet they remain the biggest source of complaints – and germs.

Users not only take away a negative impression of a business if their washrooms are foul-smelling or soiled. They are also exposed to potential health and safety hazards, from touch points used by people who are ill to bio-hazardous wastes from toilet overflows.

To find out how to overcome the biggest challenges in washroom hygiene and to gain insight into what's next for this sector, watch the round table on demand by clicking HERE.