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Future of the cleaning industry outlined in whitepaper

07 April 2015

Were you at Mitie's Cleaning Show Keynote Address 'How will you be working in 2020'?

Don't worry if you missed the Address, which was delivered by Paul Castle, solutions director of Mitie's cleaning business and Peter Smith, practice leader of the Marketing Doctors, because Mitie has created a whitepaper that outlines its vision of the future of the industry and how it will affect you over the next five years.

Whether you're a supplier, provider or end-user, this paper explains Mitie's view of the future and how you can stay ahead of the game.

Mitie believes that although by 2020 much will have changed, the cleaning industry will still be recognisable, and will be "in a better place". We'll all be working smarter, making more use of data to drive decisions, and the importance of what we do to keep our clients working in clean and pleasant environments will be much more widely recognised.

"What won't have changed is that cleaning will still be a profoundly people industry, which means we will only be as good as our weakest member," it says. "That places an onus on us, and our peers, to keep driving up standards through training and quality management."

Mitie has already made some great strides in those areas with the introduction of the industry's only Lean Six Sigma accredited cleaning management process, and the continuing success of its training and apprenticeship programmes.

You can download your copy of the whitepaper at:
