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David Bellamy steps down as president of BICSc

07 March 2013

BICSc has announced that Professor David Bellamy OBE has stepped down as president after over a decade of service to the institute.

BICSc has announced that Professor David Bellamy OBE has stepped down as president after over a decade of service to the institute.

As Colin Hasson, life vice president of the institute explains, 'He leaves an institute now starting on its way to the hundredth anniversary. His enthusiasm, as for all his interests, knows no bounds and the institute has benefited to the full.

He set us on the path of environmental concern at a time when it was by no means a priority talking point in any industry especially our own.'

Professor David Bellamy was a regular chairman at the institute's AGMs and attended many of the BICSc Annual Awards Dinners. The institute would like to thank Professor David Bellamy OBE for his continued commitment and interest in the institute over the past decade and wish him well in the future.

The British Institute of Cleaning Science will be announcing a new president in the near future. www.bics.org.uk