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It's space Jim...

07 March 2013

As part of a new multi-million-pound research programme, it's been reported recently that scientists will look at methods of cleaning up debris in outer space. Space 'litter' includes pieces of defunct satellites which, if they collide with existing satellites, could damage them. The Stardust project will be led by the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow in collaboration with 14 other European partners and has secured a whopping £3.2 million in funding.

As part of a new multi-million-pound research programme, it's been reported recently that scientists will look at methods of cleaning up debris in outer space. Space 'litter' includes pieces of defunct satellites which, if they collide with existing satellites, could damage them. The Stardust project will be led by the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow in collaboration with 14 other European partners and has secured a whopping £3.2 million in funding.

'Cleaning' ideas under research include using laser beams to vaporise small pieces of debris and catching larger fragments with robotic arms, extending tentacles or nets. Asteroids could be attached to an engine to push them away, or new ways to break them up could be found. Far out!

Source: The Press Association.