22 June 2018
The Janitorial Steam System from Duplex Cleaning Machines comprises a powerful steam cleaner called a Jet Steam Professional, Janitorial Trolley and Steam Mop supplied as one for a convenient cleaning solution.
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07 March 2013
Only 40 cm wide, the new Slimliner trolley from Vikan, is purpose designed for professional and efficient cleaning in busy environments with limited space.
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07 March 2013
The Vikan ErgoClean system has been used to clean the site of Leicester based Premier Foods plant.
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07 March 2013
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust became a user of the new TASKI Trolley integrated cleaning system from Diversey to support cleaning and infection control operations in wards.
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07 March 2013
The new mobile BigSynk from
TEAL is a trolley based selfcontained
unit which needs no
plumbing or drainage
connections and once plugged in
can provide up to 150 ten second
hot washes.
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