Home >BICSc HQ relocation makes way for a dedicated BBS Training Suite

BICSc HQ relocation makes way for a dedicated BBS Training Suite

28 January 2019

Earlier this year the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) published an article, “Time to Move On & Up” announcing their headquarters was for sale, with the intention of securing a larger premise to expand into.

The Institute’s plans to move are now finalised with the purchase of number 4 Premier Court, across from their current location in Moulton Park, Northampton. The move will take place early this year, allowing for the current BICSc HQ to be re-developed into an enhanced training suite, delivering BICSc accredited training. 

The move comes as a result of a highly successful year for BICSc which saw a strong technical team put in place enabling the organisation to deliver the majority of their training in-house.

The Institute is now planning on investing further in the training they provide with the launch of additional Cleanlogic Workshops and Courses, as well as other initiatives to enhance customer service.

These initiatives will be driven forward with the development of the new BBS Training Suite, allowing the organisation to focus on establishing BICS Business Services (BBS) as ‘the only place to start your journey with BICSc accredited training’.