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The future of the cleaning industry

08 February 2016

The cleaning industry is now facing many challenges, as most businesses tend to have a shortage of experienced and qualified cleaning operatives.

The accounts may be larger, but make no mistake – the competition is fierce and profit margins are much tighter. Customers require a lot more quality and professionalism, accountability and more – all for less money.

Depending on the perspective we have, there can be many challenges and obstacles ahead for future growth. Change will relate to all aspects of the industry, as the surfaces cleaned will be moving away from natural materials such as wood and stone toward plastics which are easier to clean in many ways, preventing the issues you may be having with cleaning in general.

Products and equipment as well as the chemicals used will become less hazardous and more eco-friendly due to many reasons, specifically the need to address global pollution rates. There are fewer disposal and environmental-related issues that also need to be covered, so cleaning companies will have a lot to gain from such work.

Employees are changing, as well as the way employers relate to their needs and wants as well as skills. Emotional and social support is part of the employer's remit today as much as training and education. 

We’re also seeing a change in the products and equipment used to impact the quality of air, as well as living environment and more. There is more emphasis today on indoor air quality, as it is changing toward a policy of prevention rather than working on restoration and cleaning. 

There may be changes in the way this is done, potentially coming up with new laws regulating cleaning and air quality control. 

All manner of environmental concerns about pathogens, such as the recent Zika virus outbreak and worse, are also making cleaning and sanitising more needed than ever. 

Article provided by: Tidy Up Ltd.