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LCC backs Living Wage

16 December 2014

LCC Support Services, the national independent cleaning and support services business, is backing the Living Wage Foundation and its hourly rates on all 2015 tenders.

The company is providing every new tender with the requested competitive quote and a second tender based on the Living Wage programme. This allows clients to make their own decisions on hourly rates based on their individual beliefs and corporate consciences.


Bob Vincent, executive chairman of LCC, said: "Since joining the Living Wage programme we have had little client objection to paying a Living Wage rate which we believe is the right of all hard working staff.  

"There are two reasons why we have for many years supported the concept of 'a fair wage for a fair day’s work'. Everyone should live above the breadline and it is good business sense for service providers. Happy employees work better than the unhappy. Being fair starts with the employer and the employee usually responds. We benefit by retaining staff longer so we reduce training and recruitment costs and clients receive continuity of quality service and staff going the extra mile."