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09 December 2024

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION is crucial in hazardous workplaces but ensuring a proper respirator fit is essential for safety. TSI Instruments says that quantitative fit testing is the most accurate method, as it calculates the fit factor based on data.

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11 October 2024

RPE FIT Testing must be carried out by a competent/qualified fit tester.

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11 October 2024

DRÄGER HAS provided the Sellafield Nuclear site with 65 self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) PSS Airboss sets and six Merlin telemetry entry control boards (ECB) to protect firefighters from the inhalation of dangerous gases during incidents and training events.

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10 June 2024

QUANTIFIT2, THE award-winning face fit testing system from OHD, has just achieved a major accomplishment having received approval from the U.S. Navy.

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21 February 2024

RS, A global provider of product and service solutions for industrial customers, has announced a supplier relationship with leading provider of respiratory protective equipment, Sundstrom.

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06 December 2023

DRÄGER HAS launched the UCF FireCore, a hands-free thermal imaging camera which displays live action imagery into the Dräger FPS 7000 full face mask.

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13 October 2023

BREATHING IN hazardous airborne substances causes ill health and therefore suitable controls need to be put into place.

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06 October 2023

BOLLÉ SAFETY introduces Universal Goggle, the first innovation in its new range of protective goggles for the industrial sector.

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08 March 2023

IN JULY 2022 Hull Cleaning Ltd and it’s Director Mr Paul Scott-South pleaded guilty to offences relating to the sale of KN95 masks during the Covid 19 pandemic.

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09 December 2022

DRÄGER IS calling for increased regulation and more detailed safety guidance within the tunnelling industry, following recent research highlighting safety as a major concern for those working underground.

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07 November 2022

GLOBUS GROUP has launched a new range of face masks to protect workers against extremely hazardous substances found in the workplace.

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04 November 2022

THE SPRINGFIT Detectable range of disposable respirators from JSP combine the unique Springfit endoskeleton and integrated spring feature with detectable technology, providing an excellent fit and comfortable wear in environments requiring contamination control.

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31 October 2022

IF YOU or your colleagues use any kind of tight fitting respiratory protection equipment then you should already know that you should be conducting fit testing regularly to ensure the fit of the mask to the face of the wearer is good enough to provide adequate protection.

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13 July 2022

SINCE THE start of the Covid 19 pandemic and the PPE crisis we have seen FFP masks with “ear loops” being placed on the UK market. It has been apparent for a considerable time that there was significant concern over their ability to provide an adequate seal and to protect the wearer.

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22 June 2022

JOIN JSP Safety for its Dust Kills! Webinar in support of the HSE's current campaign to tackle the correct RPE selection in the workplace. The company will also be performing a live face fit test, before and after shaving! Don't miss out on this free and insightful webinar.

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12 May 2022

ARCO IS donating over 80,000 items of essential PPE to global first responder, International Medical Corps, to aid those directly affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

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03 March 2022

LIGHTWEIGHT FABRIC face masks for all-day wear and treated with a permanent antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal technology have been launched by Meryl Medical.

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03 March 2022

SHAWCITY IS delighted to announce the launch of QuantiFit2 from OHD. The latest version of the revolutionary mask-fit tester, which uses patented controlled negative pressure (CNP) technology, is packed with improved features.

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03 February 2022

Arco Professional Safety Services has officially opened a new Safety Centre in Trafford Park, Manchester.

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07 December 2021

VIRACOAT LIMITED'S 3 Ply Type 2R Surgical Face Mask, FFP2 Respirator Mask and FFP3 Respirator mask, a new range of antiviral and antimicrobial personal protective equipment (PPE) masks, are to be manufactured at Sudbury, Suffolk in a joint venture with The MEL Group.

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07 November 2024

Specifying RPE that is both suitable and adequate can be tricky. Ian Kelsall explains how Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) can help.

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14 November 2023

While positive steps have been taken, there is still much more that can be done to reduce incidences of occupational lung disease, according to George Elliott.

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12 September 2023

Paul Salisbury discusses the key differences between the different methods of face fit testing to help you to choose the right one for your needs.

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21 September 2022

Despite a marked increase in general awareness, fundamental misunderstandings remain when it comes to selecting and using appropriate RPE says Louise Charlton.

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21 September 2022

Respiratory protective equipment keeps workers safe from toxic substances. Here, Ian Gil-Rodriguez introduces the Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)

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05 October 2022

How safe are manufacturing workers from welding fumes? New findings reveal that toxic welding gases are a potential hazard to everyone, not just the welders themselves. Dominic Murphy reports.

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10 May 2021

Having spent many years in the respiratory protection equipment (RPE) industry, Fred Chartlon draws on his knowledge to provide a history of this life-saving equipment and the effect that Covid has had on manufacturers.

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10 May 2021

The use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is on the increase, and with many of us using this type of equipment for the first time, Neil O’Regan takes this opportunity to explain the different options and tells you what you need to know about Fit Testing.

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12 January 2021

Ellie Yakimov looks at how our changed relationship with airborne pathogens brings a new level of protection.

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24 September 2020

Given that a large part of communication is non-verbal, Jack Hartley asks if it is time to rethink your respiratory protection, especially in the healthcare industry where reading facial expressions can be beneficial to patients.

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25 April 2018

Richard Beardsley of personal protection specialist Alpha Solway looks at the key steps to selecting the right type of dust masks

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08 November 2018

The First Aid at Work course is designed to help employers meet legal requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and is formally certificated by the First Aid Industry Body (F.A.I.B. approved).

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30 July 2013

Why buying a 3M respirator means more than simply purchasing a product

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